Hi, guys, I hope you all are safe at your places. Guys, today's blog is on a very futuristic and interesting topic. As we all know that artificial intelligence (AI) programming is progressing rapidly and AI is also considered to be a thread over mankind that could destroy us all. Today I am going to tell you all about that in a simplified manner. So let's get started !!!!

Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence - Future of Life Institute


From Siri to self-driving cars we all are surrendered by AI. Today we know AI as the broad branch of computer science which concerns itself with smart or intelligent machines. Which are capable of performing tasks generally performed by humans.


There are generally two types of AI
1) Narrow AI
2) general AI

 Narrow AI ( Weak AI)

 In our day to day life, we use narrow AI. Which is designed to perform a weak or narrow task, for example, facial recognition, internet searching, etc

General AI (Strong AI)

Right now we are working on General AI and it's a long term goal of many researchers. General AI will be designed to outperform human beings nearly at every task for example computer programing, solving equations, etc


An important question is what will happen if AI outperforms humans. Just think over it why do why people control the planet?. Not because we are the strongest, fastest or biggest but because we are smartest.
So what will happen if AI becomes super-intelligent?. Well, first of all, designing a program like that itself is a very difficult task, but if we can then that system could perform self-improvements and could leave the human intellect far behind. By inventing such a revolutionizing technology might help us in eradicating war, diseases, poverty and so much more and it would be the biggest event in human history. while some people also say it could be the last thing human ever created 


While we have not reached superintelligent machines yet. but it is very important to have a look at them now. So that we could we could prepare ourselves for the future. Let's take a look at some risk related to strong AI  


South Korean University Under Fire for its AI Weapons Research lab

An autonomous weapon is those weapons that have decision making power integrated with AI. These weapons could easily cause mass casualties. It could be even more devastating than nuclear bombs and they will be very difficult to "turn off" by humans

Misalignment of goals 

What is most important in a machine that humans value most is efficiency. But if the AI-powered machine is not clear with its goals it could be dangerous. For example, you say a command to a machine that "get me to the nearest airport as soon as possible". The program or the machine will not understand that the rules of the road must be respected and could take you to the airport as soon as possible but living behind a trail of accidents 

Invasion of privacy 

Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? 6 AI Risks Everyone Should ...

An AI program can track and analyze every online move as well as when you do your daily business.
We all are surrounded by facial recognition algorithms and cameras everywhere. So it becomes very easy for such AI integrated programs to know that who you are and what are you doing at that particular time and also could pass this information into the wrong hands.


Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elen Musk, and other big names in science and technology have expressed their concerns about the existing risk of AI. Well, many experts say that this type of technology merely 5 years away. While others say that AI smarter than humans are a century away. But it is for sure that AI has the potential of being more smarter than humans. So we can just predict how it will behave and how to control it. In the end, I would conclude by writing that, we should start finding the best ways for AI to help humans to develop and minimizing the destructive potential.
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