Artificial Intelligence : An Exordium

Hello and welcome to my blog !
My name is Vedant Khatri and in this blog I am going to provide a brief introduction to one of the most viral term of modern technological world : Artificial Intelligence. Although “Artificial Intelligence” (more commonly known as AI) is a complex field consisting of many cyber jargons and terminologies and requires moderate technical knowledge but here I will try to elaborate things and concepts in a very simple way so that you can understand it even with a very little previous knowledge.  So let’s begin.
When most people hear the term artificial intelligence, the first thing they usually think of is software, machines and robots capturing our planet. That's because our (for most of us at least) first encounter with the term “artificial Intelligence” was in a science fiction movie or in some story book. But actually Artificial intelligence (AI) is very different thing. It is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In simple words, Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. It is a simulation of human intelligence in machine that includes computer enhanced learning, reasoning and perception. The very special characteristic of AI is its ability to take actions that have the best chance of achieving a target. Followings are some examples of AI –
Chat bots.
Smart assistants like Siri and Alexa.
Self driving cars.
Netflix’s recommendations.
Email spam filters.
I am sure you already have used some of them. 
From technical point of view, AI is keep changing its form. As technology advances, previous benchmarks of AI become outdated. For instance, Optical character recognition system (typically used in banking) is no longer considered as an artificial intelligence system and now we have more advanced character recognition programs. 
Today we have a widely separated application areas of AI. Finance, healthcare, gaming, marketing, social media are some major areas where AI is being tested and used.
So in a nutshell, AI is not a bloodthirsty robot (as represented in sci-fi movies) but it is actually a capability provided to machine by which a machine can take best possible decision just like a human being. And do you know that the first AI is thought to be a checkers-playing computer built by Oxford University in 1951. 
With this fun fact, I will bind up this introductory blog on Artificial intelligence. In my upcoming blog, I will tell you about four major types of AI. So stay tuned. See you in my next blog. 
Good bye !
Keep learning.


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