Artificial Intelligence : Types


Hello and welcome back to my blog !

My name is Vedant Khatri and in this blog I am going to discuss 4 types of Artificial Intelligence. If you are a newbie or don’t know the “ABC” of AI then I would suggest you to go through my previous blog “Artificial Intelligence : An Exordium”.

In today’s era, we can classify AI into 4 different categories and these are –

  • Reactive Machines

  • Limited Memory

  • Theory of Mind

  • Self-Aware

We are currently well past the first type and actively perfecting the second. At the moment, the third and fourth types exist only in theory. They are to be the next stage of A.I.—let’s take a look.

Reactive Machines - This is one of the basic forms of AI. It doesn't have past memory and cannot use past information to information for the future actions. It merely reacts to current scenarios and cannot rely on upon taught or recalled data to make decisions in the present. 

Example:- IBM chess program that beat Garry Kasparov in the 1990s. 

Limited Memory -  This  can use past experiences to inform future decisions. Limited memory types refer to an A.I.’s ability to store previous data and/or predictions, using that data to make better predictions. With Limited Memory, machine learning architecture becomes a little more complex. 

Example:- Siri , self driven cars.

Theory of Mind - This type of AI should be able to understand people’s emotion, belief, thoughts, expectations and be able to interact socially Even though a lot of improvements are there in this field this kind of AI is not complete yet.

Example:- Autonomous cars.

Self Aware - An AI that has it’s own conscious, super intelligent, self-awareness and sentient (In simple words a complete human being). Of course, this kind of bot also doesn’t exist and if achieved it will be one of the milestones in the field of AI.

Ofcourse, there are other categories to classify AI but these were the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence.

See you in my next blog. Till then, keep learning.

Good bye.


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